image myspace.com/yourdemise
Tonight I ventured to the Cockpit to brave uk metal/hardcore act Your Demise on their we used to be kids tour. A sweaty room, hard rock, inaudible lyrics and people throwing themselves off stage...my only regret I bought my handbag and couldn't join in!
I caught up with a very sweaty Ed Mcrae, the lead singer of the band.
It was rad, it was so good. It was sold out for one and we haven't played Leeds properly in a while. I love playing Leeds it's always amazing.
You got a lot of stage crashers tonight, how often does that happen?
Yeah, we seem to be a lot recently, it always happens and tonight was no exception.
They music you guys play is pretty hardcore. Did you see the comment that journalist made about Rock being dead?
Rock is quite a general term for music, so no it's not dead. No music's dead really. When it first came out the attitudes have changed. But no, no music is dead. Music and art can't die.
What do you think of the British music scene at the moment?
Thriving, thriving. I guess the art and culture scene, there's so many bands coming up and in general there are so many artist and musicians coming out, that are really good and from the UK. A lot of the world are now seeing that the UK is back on the map as quite a hub of music.
Sum up tonight's show in three words?
Really fucking good.
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