Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Leaving University

When you are in sixth form/college you have it rammed down your throat how amazing University is, how it's "the best three years of your life". Ex students of the school come in and talk to you about it is still the best years of their life and it is. You get to University you make your friends for life, you spend the last few weeks working on empty.
As the last couple of pieces near their completion your eyeballs are on stalks stuck to the computer screen, your fingers tap-tap-tapping on the keyboard and you find that despite all this work you are more on top of your soap operas more than ever before. Surviving on nothing more than knock off red bull and chips all with the thought THIS WILL END SOON.

And it does...

No one prepares you for it, the feeling that without this degree you will constantly feel like a spare part, now there are too many hours in the day and there are NO jobs that would be the soloution to it.

So the blog, the facebook, heatworld and Perez hilton all become your new best friends. And you constantly wish you could be working on the dissertation but maybe that's just me?

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