Saturday, 18 April 2009

The end is in sight

And so the end is near and we face the final curtain.... The deadline. 23rd April. The goal is 5000 words. The result hopefully a good grade.
So reality it's the 18th today, the word count is currently 4,289 and needs serious structure so fingers crossed on the grade.
This project wasn't as complicated as once thought, word count is the main problem I want to write more (What is happening to me?!! ). I have compiled good interview from a magazine editor, an x factor manager, a band, manager of Moloko and Rosin Murphy, a man that used to be in a band and a leader of an online music download site. I have learnt a lot mainly from music lawyer Ann Harrison. Who's book is now my bible, I never knew the percentage of royalties, the deals and general business an artist has to go through.
More importantly the thesis of oversaturation because of sites; no one seemed to agree apart from people on forums. I even tried trying to sway people but yet it didn't happen. People beleive it, but can't proove it. I guess the next time I will talk about this is when I get it back .

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