Tuesday, 8 November 2011

It's Gotta Be You One Direction

It's X Factor fever and the papers, twitter, Facebook and chit chat is centred around X Factor's latest pantomime character 'Frankie Cocozza'. Well he's been allegedly taking drugs "Oh no he didn't?!" and big bosses are not happy with him so he's been given the boot. Just in time to join I'm a Celebrity if he wants...keep up that profile Frankie, just saying. Aside from the shock and awe about the "bad boy" being given the aXe something else X Factor related is stirring and that is of course One Direction.

The boys are back with a new video, for weeks Twitter team 1D have been getting everything they can about the boys trending, so much so that the fans are more like their PR now! They have a new single out 'Gotta Be You' and of course it's big news.

Taking a break from the fun, you're pretty, you don't know it, therefore you're amazing, they've turned down the tempo put on their serious faces and made a new video.

This video is ripe for parody, mocking and blogging.

The boys have obviously been consuming a bit of blue.....this song is very Simon, Lee, Anthony and Duncan-esque. They've slipped a few big words and phrases in there, they're a serious boy band, "anointed" and "what a mess I've made upon your innocence"- that one's too easy. To prove how serious they are auditioning to be the new models for Next, walking slowly in beige nicely layered clothing and even showing off their man bags, it's a wonder prices aren't popping up next to their nicely quaffed hair.

Just a couple of things just don't hit the mark with the video some obvious mistakes that just need a little translation, when there is a violin playing, Niall don't pick up the guitar.

If that isn't dangerous enough one of the scenes following it, is Zayn foolishly running on the train tracks to see his gal, he obviously didn't pay attention in that nice big EMPTY posh school Harry's running out of and his smarts obviously didn't get him into those big EMPTY University dorms Louis is walking down. Don't worry too much about Zayn it is a steam train he's hopping on so he won't get the riff raff bothering him.

After all this exiting business they set about on their next advertising venture; cars. As they start singing the chorus, "It's gotta be you-uuuu-uuu", Louis speeds off in his little mini, Harry on his shiny moped and Liam in his trendy Beetle. Leaving Zayn pouting out the window on the train and Nial looking bemused. Mum forgot to pick him up.

Looks like Nial might lose this top gear style who will get there first challenge.

Later on they've all met up, they are going camping, tweed's probably not the best ensemble for this venture. If the video isn't showing up enough epic mistakes the quick camera work across the river to the island towards the group of youngsters is like a bad Frankie Boyle joke waiting to happen.

And again during the string section Niall gets his six string out, talented little guy making his guitar sound like an army of violins.

The video finishes staying true to it's theme slipping into Marks and Spencer's clothes territory as they have fun and games near the bonfire, watch the fireworks and show off their threads it's a wonder that Twiggy doesn't zimmer in and tell them to keep the noise down.

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