Friday, 27 March 2009


She said pulling at her collar and making the simpsons awkward noise. This has a little bit to do with the dissertation, well it's mentioned.
It's one of those things where you suddenly remember every teacher, professor, lecturer, parent or grandparent etc saying to you "do you work early the time will fly by and it will all pile up on you". And right now that is the moment I am living and the voices echoing around my head.
While currently being ethical surrounded by books my newest fashion accessories (even coining the term "book lady" from my house mates) and typing up quotes and placing them into my essay question I am quietly panicing.
The last term at University the last lectures that I have just realised I missed and every so often people getting nostalgic and saying , this will be the last time we do bla.... can you beleive that this is soon over ..... what are we going to do in the real life and question like that.
At the moment I am going to finish this essay, move on to finishing the politics essay, the portfolio and the dissertation all in the quest for that perfect 2:1.
As it stands with the dissertation I have been told to stop researching because the research area is getting too big. I need to correlate the data put it all together and recieve my first (HA!).
Whilst panicing quietly, typing irratically all I can think to express it is write it in a blog this way I am not facing it.
My new bibles are Cowel biography which is a massive me me me which I supppose so is this. And a book called making it in the music industry. Ann Harrisons book has been neglected at the mo.

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