Wednesday, 4 March 2009

"The Newbie"

Today was all about culminating focus groups. To create the graphs for my project I needed data and in realising that the likely hood of people stopping to answer my questions on the high street i've opted for the quicker route...the forum.
I hope that this doesn't reflect badly on my project seeming like the easy route for the lazy journalist, this way I won't be grabbing random people on the street while they run away "late for a meeting" "no I don't want to buy anything" " i just gotta....uh...urm BYE". This way the people will talk to me that actually are willing to talk to me.
I brainstormed a few basic questions that would provide me with both qualitative and quantative data about music consumption and set about posting it on the internet.
I started with some of the sites of the magazines I have read for years like Rocksound and Kerrang. (At this point Rocksound has given me diddly squat).
Kerrang have provided me with about 13 replies most of which I can use.
I followed this by joining Drowned in Sound, Leeds Music Forum, BBC Radio and a few others.
The problem with the forums is despite purely just asking for help there are some users out there who really just want to annoy you, by bothering to reply to your post in a smart Alec way to get "lols" from all the other users, some who genuinely help you and wish you luck, some who pick fights with other users because they don't agree with their opinions but one of the worst things about forum is the post views! It's leathal when you are literally begging people to look at your thread (wishing it at the computer) you can see the view amount climbing higher and higher but the replies staying stagnent at a sad 0. It teases you, you think well maybe people are reading it and replying slowly in great detail to your post, when really they are replying to the "What cereal do you think shows the most about you forum" or the "I can rap in binary you 101010010" thread.
Reading this back I think I may have really been sucked into this forum world and I think I am going to have to wien myself away before I start enjoying "lolcatz" or thinking that my new internet buddies and more fun then actual conversation.

I have recieved a reply from an interview request I sent out December 28th..YES that is last year hopefully this will help me.

And have also sent out an interview request to Noah and the Whale, maybe they will reply in 5 years time ?


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