Tuesday, 16 June 2009

being a tramp...

Probably still sitting in the same seat and living the same routine, watching first look Hollyoaks. My life has taken a few more terms. Vowing always to be behind the camera not in front I have decided to give presenting a go. Now presenting for a new TV show that Daniele and Darryl moulded having a ball. We have completed two shows one with "Any Dream Will Do" finalist, Craig Chalmers and another with the rowdy Preston boys Mobius Loop. Having a ball at the moment just cannot seem to get a job and it's not as if i'm not trying


Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Leaving University

When you are in sixth form/college you have it rammed down your throat how amazing University is, how it's "the best three years of your life". Ex students of the school come in and talk to you about it is still the best years of their life and it is. You get to University you make your friends for life, you spend the last few weeks working on empty.
As the last couple of pieces near their completion your eyeballs are on stalks stuck to the computer screen, your fingers tap-tap-tapping on the keyboard and you find that despite all this work you are more on top of your soap operas more than ever before. Surviving on nothing more than knock off red bull and chips all with the thought THIS WILL END SOON.

And it does...

No one prepares you for it, the feeling that without this degree you will constantly feel like a spare part, now there are too many hours in the day and there are NO jobs that would be the soloution to it.

So the blog, the facebook, heatworld and Perez hilton all become your new best friends. And you constantly wish you could be working on the dissertation but maybe that's just me?

Saturday, 18 April 2009

The end is in sight

And so the end is near and we face the final curtain.... The deadline. 23rd April. The goal is 5000 words. The result hopefully a good grade.
So reality it's the 18th today, the word count is currently 4,289 and needs serious structure so fingers crossed on the grade.
This project wasn't as complicated as once thought, word count is the main problem I want to write more (What is happening to me?!! ). I have compiled good interview from a magazine editor, an x factor manager, a band, manager of Moloko and Rosin Murphy, a man that used to be in a band and a leader of an online music download site. I have learnt a lot mainly from music lawyer Ann Harrison. Who's book is now my bible, I never knew the percentage of royalties, the deals and general business an artist has to go through.
More importantly the thesis of oversaturation because of sites; no one seemed to agree apart from people on forums. I even tried trying to sway people but yet it didn't happen. People beleive it, but can't proove it. I guess the next time I will talk about this is when I get it back .

Sunday, 29 March 2009

mic testing testing 1, 2 1,2 mic testing

If there is one thing that most people that I have spoken to about my research project have in common is that they beleive one of the best ways to suceed and win support is to play a live show.
And whilst travelling back from Leeds in the car today that really did strike home. There are very few things that I can think about and automatically feel like I am there. But when it comes to live music I can. I can remember the atmosphere, the songs, the bands expressions what I was wearing and how I was feeling and what was going on around me. I assume these are my flashbulb memories.
I was remembering my first show, party in the park 1999. I had always loved music, people used to mock my music knowledge, I suppose it was a bit strange for a ten year old to know all the songs in the chart and the lyrics as well! So when my dad told me about party in the park I was over the moon. Even more so when your dad tells you that not only will you be watching live music but you might get to meet the bands AND celebrities as well because we would be seated in the V.I.P section. A ten year olds name dropping dream. I also remember wearing my little matching baige outfit. baige skirt, top and brown and cream fleecey gillet. O DEAR!
Until then the only other open air concert I went to was Greenday in 04. My first proper concert minus parents plus the extra "rock and rollness" of skipping school AND the school language teacher was driving us there. We were under the impression that Blink 182 and Foo Fighters would also be playing and ended up listening to "Take off your Pants and Jacket" on repeat all the way too Cardiff Cooper Castle. They were accompanied by Spunge, Iggy Pop, Hundred Reasons and A. I have seen Greenday twice and still feel that they are by far one of the best live acts. I remember standing next to people smelling poppers and at the time thinking I was going to smell them, pass out and die.
Aside from the music one thing I will take away from that day was the teacher turning round to us in the car before we got out and saying "Now girls if you have to take any drugs, smoke pot"!
As I write this more and more music memories come to my head I remember the gigs I was dragged to and purposely not trying to have a good time. Going to see Rooster in year 11 was one of these. I bought my ticket at Lunch time our newest thing at the time was to get tickets and go to the gigs from school. So despite being largely against rooster I went along. I dressed on purpose in a good charlotte designed t-shirt with a scowl on my face so people knew I was not into this kind of music. The last straw was definately when my mouth was open singing and the lead singer shook his sweaty mane and his sweat went in my mouth. A fans dream, but a fan I wasn't.
I could probably write a book on how many gigs I have seen and how I felt but feel that only my friends or a psychologist would read or even begin to enjoy it.
My next concert is OASIS. I wonder if in a years time I'll be writing about this !

Friday, 27 March 2009


She said pulling at her collar and making the simpsons awkward noise. This has a little bit to do with the dissertation, well it's mentioned.
It's one of those things where you suddenly remember every teacher, professor, lecturer, parent or grandparent etc saying to you "do you work early the time will fly by and it will all pile up on you". And right now that is the moment I am living and the voices echoing around my head.
While currently being ethical surrounded by books my newest fashion accessories (even coining the term "book lady" from my house mates) and typing up quotes and placing them into my essay question I am quietly panicing.
The last term at University the last lectures that I have just realised I missed and every so often people getting nostalgic and saying , this will be the last time we do bla.... can you beleive that this is soon over ..... what are we going to do in the real life and question like that.
At the moment I am going to finish this essay, move on to finishing the politics essay, the portfolio and the dissertation all in the quest for that perfect 2:1.
As it stands with the dissertation I have been told to stop researching because the research area is getting too big. I need to correlate the data put it all together and recieve my first (HA!).
Whilst panicing quietly, typing irratically all I can think to express it is write it in a blog this way I am not facing it.
My new bibles are Cowel biography which is a massive me me me which I supppose so is this. And a book called making it in the music industry. Ann Harrisons book has been neglected at the mo.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

"The Newbie"

Today was all about culminating focus groups. To create the graphs for my project I needed data and in realising that the likely hood of people stopping to answer my questions on the high street i've opted for the quicker route...the forum.
I hope that this doesn't reflect badly on my project seeming like the easy route for the lazy journalist, this way I won't be grabbing random people on the street while they run away "late for a meeting" "no I don't want to buy anything" " i just gotta....uh...urm BYE". This way the people will talk to me that actually are willing to talk to me.
I brainstormed a few basic questions that would provide me with both qualitative and quantative data about music consumption and set about posting it on the internet.
I started with some of the sites of the magazines I have read for years like Rocksound and Kerrang. (At this point Rocksound has given me diddly squat).
Kerrang have provided me with about 13 replies most of which I can use.
I followed this by joining Drowned in Sound, Leeds Music Forum, BBC Radio and a few others.
The problem with the forums is despite purely just asking for help there are some users out there who really just want to annoy you, by bothering to reply to your post in a smart Alec way to get "lols" from all the other users, some who genuinely help you and wish you luck, some who pick fights with other users because they don't agree with their opinions but one of the worst things about forum is the post views! It's leathal when you are literally begging people to look at your thread (wishing it at the computer) you can see the view amount climbing higher and higher but the replies staying stagnent at a sad 0. It teases you, you think well maybe people are reading it and replying slowly in great detail to your post, when really they are replying to the "What cereal do you think shows the most about you forum" or the "I can rap in binary you 101010010" thread.
Reading this back I think I may have really been sucked into this forum world and I think I am going to have to wien myself away before I start enjoying "lolcatz" or thinking that my new internet buddies and more fun then actual conversation.

I have recieved a reply from an interview request I sent out December 28th..YES that is last year hopefully this will help me.

And have also sent out an interview request to Noah and the Whale, maybe they will reply in 5 years time ?


Thursday, 12 February 2009

Needle in a haystack

Another inspirational ten minutes means another blog.
Yesterday whilst sitting twiddling my thumbs at uni listening to campaigning journalism ideas, I went on twitter saw Darren Taylor the editor of Rock Sound was on there so decided on a whim to e-mail for the half D. Within ten minutes he got back to me and organised an interview for today... which I just conducted now.

I got myself into an organisation zone, made myself a REAL green tea cleared my computer of the procrastination tools (fbook hotmail etcc) and put on the dictaphone, computer sound recording device and the phone on speaker.

I tried desperately not to announce my undying love for the magazine and tell him that I know exactly where I bought my first copy, when and who was it in .....keep cool.

He provided my with some good answers. But the more interviews I conduct the more I am finding the same reaction.

Yes the internet is causing oversaturation and yes it is a good tool.

He gave my some pretty good quotes though that I can clearly see using in my project.

"so many bands with myspace pages, it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack trying to find a good band on there"

^ That will definately be used !

" If a band has ten thousand people of myspace and they put on a show it for them it doesn’t mean that ten thousand people will show up. Sometimes it means ten people will show up. I don’t think myspace is pretty representative of how popular the band are."

Waiting on replies from Visible sound management and minus iq

Monday, 26 January 2009

Got the X factor ?

Just when I gave up hope that no one would be getting back to me I open up Hotmail and see "RE: Ants friend here" and faith is once again restored.
Yesterday I tried to contact Radio 1 DJ,Huw Stevens through myspace as his introduction paragraph came across that he was quite approachable and communicated frequently with fans, but still no joy.
Feeling that this years X factor was one of the best so far with a plethora of talented acts and drama that provided A LOT of "water cooler" moments, I felt that maybe someone in connection with this would be ideal to speak to. Over Christmas a friend came up to me to tell me some X factor gossip (knowing that I would be the only one that would apprechiate it) including the Diana Vickers and Eggnog romance (Diana crying asking if she could cancel a booked performance to go and see Eoghans final performance oo), the judges personalities and general artist behavior. After enlightening me he let me know his younger cousin was working on the show. The next week he tells me that he isn't just working on the show but managing three of the acts. Then fast forward to now I e-mailed him a few question and hey presto.... reply.
He manages Diana Vickers, Ruth Lorenzo and Rachel Hylton, and I think he may have actually hit Gold with little Miss 'Claw' Vickers, despite not really singing her praises during the live shows, she obviously has something new and interesting to bring to the table.
I havent really spoken to a manager so wasn't too aware of what their roles were accept to "manage" them obviously.
Not really thinking about the duties of a manager it comes across that Sam really cares about his acts and has their best interest at heart, which is refreshing because from most interviews it seems that managers are all about the "business", which I guess is smart. But at 19/20 years old I would be shocked if he was heartless!

Sam also shared the opinion much like David Doherty that it was no harder to succeed in this climate, but that careers will last longer.
He was aware of technology and illustrated that he was aware where it could go or how it could be used. An interesting view he had was that the physical CD would soon die out, not just because of the economic climate but the increase in technology. I really don't feel that this will be the case maybe I'm one of the few people who likes the CD in the physical sense and still is curious to see what in an album sleeve and see the album art and random thank you messages.

anddddddd apparently Danni Minogue is as cold and unapproachable as she seems ! ha

Thursday, 22 January 2009

I can make you a star

The more I read about the music industry the more I'm learning. I didn't know the extent of the money that is pumped into the business, who would have thought that from just over running in a live performance could cost thousands of pounds. George Michael ended up paying through the nose (which I'm sure was probably just petty cash to him) £130 000 for overrunning at Wembley stadium he was fined £10 000 for every minute he went over. And there's me thinking library fines were steep !!
Currently riffling through 'the band's guide to getting a record deal' and it is enlightening me yet again. Maybe I am naive but I never realised that a CD costs 30p to make....don't really blame people for jumping on the old download bandwagon now!
Typed up my face to face interview with David Doherty who used to be in quite a successful band and has now swapped shouting and warming up crowds to become a TA. And after typing up all 2997 words and 5 pages worth of it I listened to his answers all about the music industry I realised that I was really in the dark about it all. There I am thinking a band have to send all the companies demos and occasionally they approach them at live shows, and a man appears out of the shadows with a briefcase of money, a cigar in mouth and eyes covered by shades with the classic line, I can make you a star kid stick with me! ....I think I exaggerated that a bit. But I now learnt that it seems more Chinese whispers than career spying and planned scouting,
and from then he explained how you essentially are just a product. I didn't realise how much the artists work can change just because it might not be commercially viable. From talking to David it seems that maybe to suceed in the commercial music market today you have to compromise your integrity. I did hear that initially Keane were a screaming rockband I wonder if Boyzone were ever tempted to go down that route instead of being Louis Walsh's little polished puppets.....

Monday, 5 January 2009

On the Hunt for a famous Kiwi

2009 is here and the workload is vast approaching, as I sit here and occasionally leave the house to visit the gym and friends I realise I am currently living the calm before the storm.
My nails are quite short now as I gnaw at them waiting for Julia who is the big cheese at Radio Detante apparently, who was given to me by a friend who I randomly used to bump into at concerts. Thank you Josh !
Premen was another one I am waiting a reply of all this networking is quite exciting especially when I read that he has worked with Lily Allen, Bloc Party and Mystery Jets etc, the people I really want to talk to.
Another interview has been secured with the shop keeper of Sound Knowledge that organises all the local gigs and promotions. ALSO the shop has been mentioned in MOJO...
And now as the date gets closer and closer (APRIL THE 23RD!!!!!!) I e-mail one of the agents of my heroes... the one....the only... Mr Zane Lowe asking for an interview...... so until next time I will e-mailing more and more people and waiting and waiting for replies yess and nos.

Dictaphones are very very very expensive ...£60